PSHE is part of our core offer and is incorporated across the curriculum and supported by programmes of specific study and individual planning. Many of the areas are covered in specific lessons, access to specific delivered programmes as well as embedding information and learning consolidation across the day.
The core areas of PSHE
Health and Wellbeing
Living in the Wider World (covering economic wellbeing and careers
The overall aims of the School are:​​
To provide opportunities for all pupils to learn and to achieve.
To promote pupil’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and prepare all pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life.
The School has a key role, in partnership with parents/carers, in providing RSE. Our aim is to deliver lessons that build knowledge allowing pupils to:
Have a sense of purpose
Value self and others
Form healthy and positive relationships
Make and act on informed decisions
Communicate effectively
Work with others
Respond to challenge
Be an active partner in their own learning
Be active citizens
Explore issues related to living in a democratic society
Become healthy and fulfilled individuals
Additional information can be found in the PSHE including Relationship and Sex Education Policy